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The Best in Child Care, Infant Care, and Early Education
Parents Guide

We understand how difficult it is to leave your child and return to work. Choosing the right location for childcare can be overwhelming, and it is easy to get lost in the internet abyss of information.

Establishing a routine is a key element contributing to a child’s sense of security. Moving your child after they have already adjusted to a daycare can be challenging and stressful for the whole family. Here are some things to consider when selecting the daycare that will bring you rock solid assurance that your child is in a safe, healthy, happy place:


  • Think about where you live and where you work. Most parents feel more comfortable if they can quickly get to wherever their child is. Consider who will be dropping the child off at daycare, and who will be picking them up. In traffic ridden Los Angeles, having your infant daycare center in a convenient zip code can make a big difference in the transition back to work.  

Family home daycare versus commercial day care center

  • This is an important choice parents need to make. Maple Bear Academy is a large family child care home. This means that we exclusively care for a maximum of 14 children on any given day, with a maximum of 4 infants (20 months old or younger). Our experienced director along with two full time childcare providers and one assistant are involved with the children at all times. Conversely, commercial daycare centers tends to have much larger groups of children, usually separated into different groups by age. The teacher/child ratios vary. Understanding the important distinction between “home childcare” and “daycare center” is helpful in determining which style is more suited to you, and what you feel is best for your child. Do you prefer the idea of a private group setting with the comforts of a home environment? Or would a larger group with higher numbers of children/teachers in a more traditional classroom environment be a better fit?

Read all of the information the daycare you are considering has to offer

  • Is there a schedule for developmentally appropriate learning activities and stimulation, nutrition breaks, rest, one on one attention? Do they have an open door policy for parents, and a mechanism for obtaining detailed updates about your child’s day? These are all important factors in finding the perfect daycare.

Take a tour

  • Meet the childcare providers. See where your child will eat, sleep, play, learn, grow. See the other children in action, what are they doing? How are they behaving? How are they interacting with each other, with their teachers? Look in the kitchen where the food is prepared, is it safely off limits to the children? Is the diapering area/bathroom sanitary and organized? Is there enough indoor and outdoor space to safely accommodate the number of children enrolled? Is the environment conducive to fostering emotional, social, physical, and cognitive development?

Does it fit into your budget?

  • Every parent wants their child to receive the best care, and there is a wide range of options available in Los Angeles. Daycare almost always adds financial strain on working parents. Review your expenses and determine what your budget is. Ask yourself how much you can realistically afford weekly for childcare. Having this clear in your mind before you enroll your infant in day care will help you avoid preventable financial strain.

Go with your gut feelings.

  • You know what is best for your child. When you are in the right place, it will be obvious. A wave of relief will wash over you.
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